Friday, January 21, 2011

Bad Process vs. Good People

I read this great quote in yesterday's Wall Street Journal. General Jim Mattis said, "When capable people with good intentions meet bad processes, bad processes win 9 times out of 10." How true! So many talented people become frustrated by bad processes in organizations. The question is: How do organizational leaders respond when capable people identify what is clearly a flawed process? Do they become defensive? Do they demonstrate an unwillingness to take a fresh look? Do they refuse to change simply because the process does have some valid reasons for being?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that every leader should do periodically "inventarisation" of his subordinates and assess their strong sides and weaknesses and then converse with every single one of them. He should try and figure if there is no cognitive or paradigm hindrance to development of their full potential. Yes I mean coaching helps bring out the best of each employee and when the organisation has its associates working and creating to their full ability then we have a really satisfying results and most of all people.
