Monday, June 20, 2011

Transformational Leadership

My new 24 lecture course from The Great Courses ( The Teaching Company ) is now available. The title is Transformational Leadership: How Leaders Change Teams, Companies, and Organizations. I hope you will take a look. My prior course is titled The Art of Critical Decision Making.


  1. Thanks for the excellent post. It's a very good & informative one.

    For a few  years, I am learning & working on the topic, Transformational leadership. Quite a lot of leaders in the human history have demonstrated exceptional success in transforming human life, work, economy, philosophy and above all well-being. I have recently analyzing some transformational leaders, their successes, traits and the secrets of their being of such kind of leaders.

    My blog on this topic is . Here I have described the leadership of 3 great leaders. This list should be a bigger even. I have selected them not based on any category but on total impact of their leadership on their followers and the society or the community or even the world they lived in.

    I think, transformational leaders need not to be a ruler or army chief or sectarian leader. Rather from the history of business, religion, technology we see a good number of individuals who marked their steps in this hall of fame. One thing is common in all transformational leaders, they are people’s leaders and they worked for collective well being and they succeed as a whole.

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  3. I absolutely loved this lecture series! I'm starting to listen to it again so I can internalize it better, as there is a LOT of information to take in. Does anybody know where I can buy the Course Guide Book? I think I could really benefit from it. Thanks!
