Monday, December 19, 2011

Knowing Your Customer - By Channel!

Knowledge @ Wharton has published an article about a new report produced by Wharton’s Jay H. Baker Retailing Center and The Verde Group, a market research firm.   The report emphasizes that companies need to think carefully about the multi-channel shopper.  Retailers clearly have been spending time (appropriately) trying to provide some commonality for the customer regardless of how they shop (online, in store, catalog, etc.).  However, the report reminds retailers that the shopper in each channel has different wants and needs.  Therefore, one has to tailor the experience to suit that customer at that point in time.  The same individual may actually want a different experience in store vs. online - and some of those differences may be quite subtle, yet critical.   Here is a key excerpt from the article:

"Courtney (Paula Courtney, president of The Verde Group) notes that while the emphasis for many retail businesses has been on creating a seamless experience across multiple channels, the reality is that retailers need to spend more time addressing the specific needs of various channel users. “While it’s important to have consistent policies across channels, policies are different from experiences. This [research] suggests that an overriding emphasis on ‘consistent’ channel experiences is misplaced. Different channels attract different types of customers who demand experiences that are specific to their needs and preferences.”

1 comment:

  1. It's a great concept to evaluation your USPs consistently. Can you custom your items to better go with your clients' needs? Consider asking your clients why they buy from you.

    Customer questionnaire
