Tuesday, May 27, 2014

College is Worth It

Everywhere you look these days, you see articles questioning the value of a college education.  Yes, college is incredibly expensive.  Yes, the student debt burden is incredibly worrisome.   I think higher education needs to change.  There is no question in my mind.  However, I do not agree with those who are questioning whether a college education is necessary.   Here's some interesting new data published in the New York Times: 

The pay gap between college graduates and everyone else reached a record high last year, according to the new data, which is based on an analysis of Labor Department statistics by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than people without a degree. That’s up from 89 percent five years earlier, 85 percent a decade earlier and 64 percent in the early 1980s.... And the unemployment rate in April for people between 25 and 34 years old with a bachelor’s degree was a mere 3 percent.

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