Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Volkswagen Scandal: The Perils of Trying to be #1

Yesterday we learned that Volkswagen employed software specifically designed to circumvent emissions regulations.  When I heard the news, I began to think about several recent scandals in the automotive industry.   GM had the ignition switch scandal.  Toyota had the acceleration problems.  Now Volkswagen has acknowledged to tampering with technology to make it appear as though emissions were lower than they actually were.  What do all three firms have in common besides these unfortunate failures?   At one point or another over the past fifteen years, each firm has aspired to be the largest automotive company in the world.   Each company aimed to achieve the number one position in terms of market share.  I cannot help but think that such aspirations contributed to the problems that have surfaced.   Becoming number one in market share should never be the goal of a firm.  They should be striving to achieve solid returns for their shareholders, exceed the expectations of their customers, become a responsible corporate citizen, etc.   Market share should not be the ultimate goal.   What's the downside of trying to be number one in market share?  It means that you may grow faster than you are capable of growing.  You may create an organization that is too large and complex to manage effectively.   You may overlook issues and problems in an effort to grow.  I'm not saying that aspiring to have leading market share is the only cause of these scandals.  Of course, many other factors contributed to this behavior.  However, I do think these scandals illustrate how trying to be the biggest can have pernicious unintended consequences. 

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