Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Creating a Culture of Accountability

How can I hold people accountable without creating a culture of finger pointing, blame avoidance, and excuse making?   Leadership coach and consultant Peter Bregman argues that leaders must achieve clarity on five dimensions if they wish to build a culture of accountability in their organizations. 
  1. Expectations - make sure your people know the objectives and outcomes that you expect them to achieve by a particular date. 
  2. Capabilities - make sure the people have the skills and capabilities to achieve those goals, and if they don't, put in place a plan to develop their capabilities accordingly. 
  3. Measurement - inform people of the metrics that will be used to evaluate performance 
  4. Feedback - put in place a mechanism for providing feedback on a regular basis 
  5. Consequences - insure that everyone understands the consequences of failing to fulfill key obligations 

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